Quelles sont les plages FICO Score® ?
Lorsque vous essayez d'améliorer votre cote de crédit, il est important de savoir comment les prêteurs classent les cotes de crédit. De cette façon, vous pouvez déterminer où le vôtre devrait être pour atteindre vos objectifs financiers.

C'est bien d'augmenter votre score de 100 points, mais si vous êtes toujours dans la catégorie "mauvais", vous n'aurez toujours pas beaucoup de chance d'obtenir une approbation pour un prêt, une carte de crédit ou une hypothèque.
Plage de scores FICO® :300 – 850
Alors, comment les scores FICO sont-ils classés ? Les catégories peuvent varier selon le prêteur, mais les scores se répartissent généralement comme suit :
Excellent crédit :800 – 850
Vous êtes plus susceptible d'obtenir une approbation pour un prêt ou une carte de crédit, et vous aurez accès aux meilleurs taux d'intérêt et conditions. Le pointage de crédit le plus élevé que vous puissiez avoir est de 850.
Très bon crédit :740 – 799
Vous obtiendrez toujours certains des meilleurs taux lorsque vous ferez une demande de crédit. En fait, certains prêteurs considèrent 720 comme le seuil des taux d'intérêt les plus bas, donc peu importe si votre score est plus élevé que cela.
Bon crédit :670 – 739
Le pointage de crédit moyen d'un Américain est de 695, ce qui tombe dans la catégorie "bon". Vous n'avez probablement pas beaucoup d'éléments négatifs majeurs répertoriés sur votre dossier de crédit, mais il y a place à l'amélioration pour vous assurer d'obtenir les meilleures conditions de financement.
Crédit équitable :580 – 669
Vos tarifs dans cette catégorie ne seront certainement pas les meilleurs disponibles, ce qui pourrait vous coûter des milliers de dollars, voire plus, la prochaine fois que vous contracterez un prêt ou reporterez un solde sur votre carte de crédit.
Mauvais crédit :300 – 579
Vous avez certainement des éléments négatifs et vous pourriez avoir du mal à obtenir une approbation de crédit, qu'il s'agisse d'une nouvelle carte ou d'un prêt. Si vous êtes approuvé, vos tarifs seront extrêmement élevés.
La bonne nouvelle est qu'il y a beaucoup de place à l'amélioration dans la catégorie. La mauvaise nouvelle est que vous aurez probablement besoin de cette amélioration pour obtenir l'approbation d'un prêt. Par exemple, le score minimum pour un prêt immobilier FHA est de 580, donc si vous ne serez certainement pas éligible si votre crédit est dans cette catégorie.
Tableau des scores FICO®
Vous savez probablement où vous vous situez dans ces catégories de crédit, mais qu'en est-il de tout le monde dans le pays ? À 54,7 %, un peu plus de la moitié de la population a un score de 700 ou plus.
Environ 23 % des personnes ont un score compris entre 600 et 699, et 22 % des personnes ont un score inférieur à 600. Cela signifie que près d'un quart des Américains ont un crédit médiocre ou sont sur le point de plonger sous le seuil de 579.
Très médiocre | Médiocre | Moyenne | Bien | Très bien | Excellent |
579 | 619 | 679 | 719 | 779 | 850 |
578 | 618 | 678 | 718 | 778 | 849 |
577 | 617 | 677 | 717 | 777 | 848 |
576 | 616 | 676 | 716 | 776 | 847 |
575 | 615 | 675 | 715 | 775 | 846 |
574 | 614 | 674 | 714 | 774 | 847 |
573 | 613 | 673 | 713 | 773 | 846 |
572 | 612 | 672 | 712 | 772 | 845 |
571 | 611 | 671 | 711 | 771 | 844 |
570 | 610 | 670 | 710 | 770 | 843 |
569 | 609 | 669 | 709 | 769 | 842 |
568 | 608 | 668 | 708 | 768 | 841 |
567 | 607 | 667 | 707 | 767 | 840 |
566 | 606 | 666 | 706 | 766 | 839 |
565 | 605 | 665 | 705 | 765 | 838 |
564 | 604 | 664 | 704 | 764 | 837 |
563 | 603 | 663 | 703 | 763 | 836 |
562 | 602 | 662 | 702 | 762 | 835 |
561 | 601 | 661 | 701 | 761 | 834 |
560 | 600 | 660 | 700 | 760 | 833 |
559 | 599 | 659 | 699 | 759 | 832 |
558 | 598 | 658 | 698 | 758 | 831 |
557 | 597 | 657 | 697 | 757 | 830 |
556 | 596 | 656 | 696 | 756 | 829 |
555 | 595 | 655 | 695 | 755 | 828 |
554 | 594 | 654 | 694 | 754 | 827 |
553 | 593 | 653 | 693 | 753 | 826 |
552 | 592 | 652 | 692 | 752 | 825 |
551 | 591 | 651 | 691 | 751 | 824 |
550 | 590 | 650 | 690 | 750 | 823 |
549 | 589 | 649 | 689 | 749 | 822 |
548 | 588 | 648 | 688 | 748 | 821 |
547 | 587 | 647 | 687 | 747 | 820 |
546 | 586 | 646 | 686 | 746 | 819 |
545 | 585 | 645 | 685 | 745 | 818 |
544 | 584 | 644 | 684 | 744 | 817 |
541 | 583 | 643 | 683 | 743 | 816 |
540 | 582 | 642 | 682 | 742 | 815 |
539 | 581 | 641 | 681 | 741 | 814 |
538 | 580 | 640 | 680 | 740 | 813 |
537 | 639 | 739 | 812 | ||
536 | 638 | 738 | 811 | ||
535 | 637 | 737 | 810 | ||
534 | 636 | 736 | 809 | ||
533 | 635 | 735 | 808 | ||
532 | 634 | 734 | 807 | ||
531 | 633 | 733 | 806 | ||
530 | 632 | 732 | 805 | ||
529 | 631 | 731 | 804 | ||
528 | 630 | 730 | 803 | ||
527 | 629 | 729 | 802 | ||
526 | 628 | 728 | 801 | ||
525 | 627 | 727 | 800 | ||
524 | 626 | 726 | 799 | ||
523 | 625 | 725 | 798 | ||
522 | 624 | 724 | 797 | ||
521 | 623 | 723 | 796 | ||
520 | 622 | 722 | 795 | ||
519 | 621 | 721 | 794 | ||
518 | 620 | 720 | 793 | ||
517 | 792 | ||||
516 | 791 | ||||
515 | 790 | ||||
514 | 789 | ||||
513 | 788 | ||||
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511 | 786 | ||||
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Why Good Credit Matters
It’s important to have a good credit score as high as possible because the higher your interest rate, the more money you’ll pay over time. That can really add up for high-value loans like cars or mortgages.
Let’s look at a quick example. If you have excellent credit and take out a mortgage for $100,000 over 30 years and your rate is a low 3.92%, you’ll end up paying an additional $70,000 in interest payments.
If you think that’s a lot of money, wait until you see the next set of numbers. Bump that rate up to 5.92% for someone with a lower credit score, and they’ll end up paying over $113,000 in interest. That’s more than the loan itself! And it’s $43,000 more than the first person paid with a better interest rate.
The High Cost of Bad Credit
Even if you’re not planning on buying a home anytime soon, the same principles apply to credit cards, car loans, student loans, and other loans. The lower your credit score, the more money you’ll have to pay. Plus, landlords and even some employers now do credit checks as part of their application processes.
With a bad credit score, you might have difficulty finding a home or even a job. And if you have a financial emergency, you might be stuck with high-fee options like payday loans or title loans, which can add up fast and even cost you your car.
If you fall into one of the lower credit rankings, it’s time to start evaluating your credit reports. That way you can find out how you can improve that score and keep your financial opportunities wide open.
Industry Specific Credit Scores
Now that you know what a good credit score is, it’s time to get more specific.
Traditional FICO scores from the popular scoring company Fair Isaac Corporation range from 300 to 850. However, there are actually several credit scoring models that lenders might use when judging your creditworthiness. These vary depending on what type of credit you’re applying for.
A few examples include versions specifically for mortgages, car loans, credit cards, and student loans. Each one will look at slightly different information that is more relevant to the exact type of credit you want.
Your Credit Scores Are Different Depending on What You Apply For
The model for credit cards more heavily weighs your revolving payment history, while the auto-version is going to pay more attention to your past car payments.
There are a couple of tricky parts that come with these alternative scoring models. The first is that you probably won’t know which credit scoring model your lender is going to use unless you ask.
Additionally, the credit score ranges are different from the traditional FICO model. Instead of ranging between 300 and 850, the industry-specific scores range between 250 and 900.
On the auto credit range, for example, you’ll want at least a 750 to get the best interest rates. So, you can see how the numbers vary slightly for each different model.
FICO vs. VantageScore
While FICO scores are the most popular ones used by lenders today, there are other companies competing in this space. The other major model is called VantageScore, which was actually created by the three credit bureaus.
VantageScore 2.0, which is still used by some lenders, calculates credit anywhere between 501 and 990.
The latest version, VantageScore 3.0, uses the same range as FICO to reduce confusion, 300–850. Just like FICO, the higher score you have on both types of VantageScore models, the better a lender views your credit.
What Else Do Lenders Look at Besides Credit Score?
Clearly, your credit score is a massive component of any financial application process. If you don’t meet certain minimums, there’s no way you’ll get approved or access the very best rates. That being said, lenders look at a lot of additional information beyond your credit score and credit report.
They also analyze your income level to make sure you can afford the loan amount you’ve requested. Even if you earn six figures, if you have too much debt or the loan amount is too high, the lender might question your ability to make your payment each month.
Employment History
They also look at your employment history. No matter how great your credit is, or how much money you make, most lenders want to see that you’ve been in the same job (or at least the same industry) for the past two years. They even check your tax statements and pay stubs to confirm your earnings and often require proof of employment.
A lender might also want to know how much in cash reserves you have on hand. They’ll likely want to see bank statements because the more savings you have, the more cushion you have to repay the loan even if you have a financial emergency, like medical bills or a lost job.
How to Get the Best Credit Score
Start by consistently paying all of your bills on time and in full. This is the best thing you can do for your credit score because it accounts for 35%—the biggest factor considered!
You should also order a free copy of your credit report to get an idea of what exactly is bogging down your score. Is there anything on there that’s incorrect or out of date? You might be able to dispute it and have it removed.
In the event you have multiple negative items, you could greatly benefit from talking to a credit repair company to help you clean up your credit history.
Get a Free Credit Consultation
Most companies, like Lexington Law Firm, offer a free consultation so you can ask questions about your specific situation and find out exactly what they can help you with.
Knowledge is power, and finding out your credit score and learning what range you fall in can help you plan the next steps in your financial future.
Never assume the worst-case scenario; there’s no such thing as a lost cause. Everyone, no matter how bad their credit score is, has the potential to improve their financial situation.
It might take a little time and effort, but it’s always doable. Professional credit repair companies that have been in the business for a long time have truly seen it all. Don’t be afraid to give one a call today and find out what you can do to increase your credit score.
Prêt à augmenter votre pointage de crédit ?
Appelez pour une consultation de crédit gratuite !
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La fourchette de crédit standard pour les modèles de pointage de crédit les plus populaires, FICO et VantageScore, est de 300 à 850. Cette gamme a amené de nombreuses personnes à croire quelles avaien...
Qu'est-ce qu'un score FICO ?
Si vous avez déjà tenté dobtenir un prêt ou demandé une carte de crédit, vous avez probablement entendu le terme score FICO mentionné à plusieurs reprises. Cependant, si vous venez détablir votre cr...